• Clients:

The contemporary tudor revival



The Contemporary Tudor Revival project is a home that Jesse has been working on for a client with a prestigious lot in Etobicoke for several months. Jesse’s only intention with this home was to bring a sense of timeless charm to the neighborhood that walks a fine line between the historic proportions and origins of this ages-old style and his well-known contemporary flare. To achieve this, Jesse’s in-depth knowledge about the manors of the English countryside, their stylistic roots, and the way this design style has evolved throughout the centuries is required in order to reinterpret it tastefully.


The importance of this knowledge and historical understanding is further echoed when considering how forwardly contemporary Jesse’s approach is. However, in his usual fashion, there is no single feature that you would point out as being “contemporary”; instead, it is a range of minor refinements to details that are impactful as a whole. The result is a quaint and luxurious home that will characterize the Princess Anne Manor neighborhood for years to come.


The exterior features a limestone material with a “white” hue, composed mainly of large format fabricated blocks. The exterior stone design also features mid and top-of-wall banding details that Jesse specifically designed to have a “sleek” effect on the front facade, starkly contrasting other more traditional features such as windows with traditional mullions. The blend of both these sleek stone and historically accurate design details is Jesse’s way of giving a “nod” to the original design style. Some of these historically accurate details include the arched doorway, a slate roof, intimidatingly tall chimneys, and bay windows clad in trim features.


The proportions of the gable peaks are another feature worth noting on their own, creating a feeling of grandeur upon approach, as this is the truest form of impactful design in Jesse’s eyes. Capturing the feeling Jesse wants to achieve in the form of proportions is no easy achievement and requires him as the artist to sketch and sketch until the vision in his mind reveals itself on paper.


On the interior, a casual California farmhouse-style design plan strikes viewers as soon as they walk in with a unique feature you don’t see very often: olive trees. Jesse planned his floor layouts, structure, and basement ceiling design around several mature olive tree features that are placed throughout the ground floor, ranging between 120-150 years of age. A shared passion for this design feature between Jesse and our client led to the creation of a two-story atrium within the home that supports the installation of a two-story window wall and unique skylight design. These olive tree features were created based on the initial sun studies as he tried to determine the feasibility of harnessing the 6-8 hours of natural light required by these trees.



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